From Shame to Liberation
If you’re troubled by deep feelings of shame, you’re not alone — and together, we can heal and get free. This spring, bring your shame to a warm and supportive facilitated group, where we’ll all work towards liberation and healing together. Friday evenings, online, starting April 5.

No matter how good your intentions, deep feelings of shame can prevent you from living your values and expressing your full potential. In this group for healing in community, you’ll explore your feelings of shame in a warm and supportive group of other folks who want to get free together.
Where and when?
- 🖥️ Virtually, over Zoom
- 🪩 Friday evenings, 5:30 – 7:00 PM Central
- 🌷 April 5 – June 28, 2024
How much?
Choose your own contribution using this scale:
- If you can pay for what you need and some luxuries besides,
contribute $70 per session ($840 in all) - If you can usually pay for what you need,
contribute $50 per session ($600 in all) - If you sometimes have trouble paying for what you need,
contribute $30 per session ($360 in all)
You’ll pay before the group begins, and we can arrange a payment plan if you need to.
Who’s this group for?
If you feel deep down that you’re a bad person, this might be a good group for you.
Our community will likely include people …
- whose families shamed them for being themselves
- who feel shame from internalized marginalization
- who feel shame from experiences of privilege
- whose shame keeps them isolated
- who are struggling with perfectionism
Shame sometimes operates by asserting oppressive ideas about different identities. Our group will be on alert for shaming cultural messages that arise among us, so we can address them together.
How we’ll heal and get free together
By working with our internal shame in community, we aim to help each other:
- Understand and heal the parts of ourselves that are keeping us stuck in shame
- Act more often in alignment with our values, without getting paralyzed or pushed into unsustainable action
- Build resilience to the discomfort that comes from learning about the systems that cause harm and our role in them
- Decrease our dependence on external guidance and affirmation
- Increase our ability to connect and be vulnerable with others
By healing from shame individually, we’ll help each other get free in community. And the more we heal from shame, the better we can counter the shaming messages of oppression we encounter in the world outside us.

Meet facilitators Augustin and Ash
Click here to get in touchWhat will group meetings be like?
We’ll be a small group — no more than 11 people in all, including the facilitators, and each meeting will last 90 minutes. Here’s how each session will go:
- Grounding meditation. To start, Ash and Augustin will lead the group in a simple exercise to get us all grounded.
- A round of check-ins. Everybody will check in briefly, in response to a question we’ll pose.
- Exploration practice. Augustin and Ash will introduce a simple practice for exploring our own inner worlds, and then invite everybody to do it for themselves (in groups, pairs, or individually).
- Group Discussion. After we all practice, we’ll regroup in a circle to share what we’ve learned from it.
- Homework. Ash and Augustin will introduce a “homework” practice to try during the coming week and answer any questions that come up.
- Closing. We’ll bid each other farewell until next time.
Interested? Let’s talk!
Because we’ll be talking about heavy stuff in a small group, we’re going to talk to folks beforehand so we can assemble a community that sets all of us up for healing and liberation. Just fill out this little form, and Ash or Augustin will be in touch to schedule a 15-minute chat.