FAQ: What is coaching going to be like?

I’m glad you’re considering coaching with me! Here’s what to expect, starting now.

FAQ: What is coaching going to be like?

👋 Getting to know each other

You’ll start by scheduling a free, friendly, zero-pressure first coaching session with me, so we can get to know each other. You’ll tell me what’s going on in your life and what you hope to get out of coaching, and I’ll answer any questions you have about me and how I work. You can schedule your free first session right here.

🤝 Agreeing to work together

If we both decide to work together, you’ll agree to this coachign agreement, which lays out exactly what we can expect of each other. I’ll answer any questions you have before you sign.

🗓️ Payment and scheduling

If you urgently need support with your inner world, and my reduced rates would cause you economic hardship, please get in touch — financial support may be available.
  • Once you’ve paid, you’ll get to schedule your sessions at times that are convenient for you, in person or online.

🖥️ Coaching sessions

Gif of a bald man with a brown beard in two braids, wearing an Aloha shirt and headphones, talking animatedly
What you’ll see during a video call: me, talking with you.

At the times you’ve scheduled, you and I will get together every week on a secure video call, for about an hour every time. (If you live in the Twin Cities, we might also work in person in Northeast Minneapolis — just ask about that during our first call.)

I’ll keep track of the time during our session, so you won’t have to worry about it. These qick video clips will give you a sense of what your first session might be like.

Here’s what we’ll do, each time we meet:

  • Checking in. We’ll start by checking in about what’s going on in your world.
  • Getting comfortable. If it seems right, I’ll invite you to do a little grounding exercise to get in touch with how your body and your inner world are doing. (We may not need to do this after a while.)
  • Exploring. Then we’ll explore the questions and ideas that come up for you. You are likely to spend some or most of your session with your eyes closed, looking inward. (You don’t have to, though.) Whatever you encounter, I’ll be right there to help you make sense of it.
  • Planning your inner inquiry. Before we end our session, we’ll decide on a way for you to continue exploring your inner community, every day, until next our next meeting. As we approach our final sessions, we’ll also talk about how to sustain all the progress you’ve made.